This epistle is written by the Apostle Paul to remind the church of the truth of Jesus. It is important that when we talk about Jesus, when we share Jesus, and when worship Jesus…that we are talking about the Jesus of the Bible. I talk to people all the time who claim to be believers and followers of Jesus, but when they talk about their “Jesus”, he is nothing like the Jesus of the Scripture. We are not at liberty to re-create Jesus into the image of who we want Him to be. He is the Son of God…He is love, but He also stands against sin in the lives of His followers. He stood against sin so much, that He gave His life to pay the price for we who are guilty of that sin. Paul tells us that Jesus is the very physical image of the invisible God. No person has seen God in His fullness, yet Jesus came to show us God. He told His disciples, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” Jesus is God…He is the creator…and everything that exist does so because He declared it, and it exists for His glory. He is the Head of the church…it is not “our” church, it is His church, and we are privileged to be part of it. Jesus is the only way to salvation…He came to redeem us, and reconcile us, to God. We were all once against God in our sin and lack of faith, but Jesus has brought us back to God by His finished work on the cross and through His resurrection. The message of the church is Jesus…the church gathers to worship Jesus…and there is no one in the church that sits on the throne of authority other than Jesus!
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