Paul closes out his letter to the church at Philippi with a call for peace. Not peace the way the world approaches it, but biblical peace. What is biblical peace? The world tries to put forth that peace is a type of “Nirvana”…the problem with that definition of peace is that it is unattainable. So why would not only the Apostle, but Jesus Himself, offer and call us to peace if that peace was impossible? The world believes that peace is a mental and physical state without conflict. The truth is conflict is inevitable and unavoidable in this world. So, peace is not the absence of conflict, that is impossible…peace is the presence of Jesus in our lives, regardless of situations and circumstances. We cannot always choose what we will go through…but we can choose to rest in the Lord in everything, or we can try to overcome situations by the force of our will. The first brings genuine peace…the second leads to frustration and the lack of peace. Peace in the Lord Jesus allows us to rejoice always. To rejoice is an outward expression of the joy that is in us. Joy is not happiness, though it can bring happiness…joy a result of trusting in Jesus in all things. This trust which brings joy removes anxiety…and moves us to pray and rely on the Lord for the deep needs that we all have. When we do this, the peace of God, that surpasses all human understanding, guards our hearts in Jesus through all things. We begin to realize that we can do, and endure, all things through Christ who strengthens us. This is the reality of the peace of Christ abiding in us…and we abiding in it.
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