We exist for the Lord, not just for ourselves. We were created by Him, we are created for Him. Israel and Judah had forgotten that, and it cost them dearly…it is still costing them. Sadly, many churches have forgotten this truth, and have become man-centered bastions of idolatry…where ”self” sits on the throne, and demands to be worshiped. God will not share His glory with anyone or anything. When the church begins to worship self, preferences, status, and wealth…it is just as guilty as Israel and Judah when they worshiped baal. Zechariah reminds us that Jesus is coming. He has already spoke of Jesus’ first coming, now He warns of His second coming…when His foot will touch down on the Mount of Olives and it will be split in two. When people’s eyes will melt in their sockets, and skin melt off the bones. When Israel will look on Him who they pierced, and finally come to believe. Yes, He came the first time as a humble sacrifice…He is coming again to make all things right. We had better stop with the religious games, and idolatry in the organized church…we had better get back to the truths that we were created by God, for God…and we need to do all things to live that truth. In Philippians, Paul writes of the importance of Christ being at the center of all things. We preach only Christ! We live only Christ! All our conduct needs to point people to the Gospel of Christ! We have been given the precious gift of faith…and that faith comes with a high price, we need to live it no matter what comes.
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