God reveals His sovereignty and His glory in the book of Job. He is God who can, and God who does. In comparison to Him we are very, very small. We have fooled ourselves creating a system of religions, and a society, that we are the center of. Job had to learn, as to we, that he was not the center of the universe. It’s really not about Job, or about us…its about God. This, in my view, is the primary reason most people reject God…because they want all things about them. I see this all the time when people come to the church, and their first statement is…”what does your church have for me”. Our answer should be we have the living Word of God…we have the Gospel. Instead we coddle and spoil people, give them what they want, and many of our churches are filled with spoiled brats, who when they don’t get what they want, they throw a fit and leave. Job was brought to the realization that God is God, and he is not. When this realization hits us, and we receive it, we then are able to walk in proper relationship with God. Romans 8 is a tremendous book of the Bible telling us of our glorious standing with God in Jesus. We are no longer condemned. We have the Holy Spirit, who even prays for us when we cannot pray. We are guaranteed that God is working all things out for our good. Finally, we are told that nothing can or ever will be able to separate us from the love of God given to us through Jesus Christ.
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