Paul encourages Titus and all pastors to speak only those things that are from sound doctrine. The Word will supply the believer with all they need to live their life in a way that brings glory to God. It does not matter what stage in life a person is…the Bible has what they need to walk in Christ. Paul reminds us that proper doctrine, and receiving the truth of the Lord will lead to good works. In the epistle of James, we are taught that genuine faith will always produce good works in the lives of believers. Paul calls us to be examples of these good works as we walk in our faith. This is seen in integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, and sound speech. It is God’s purpose to bring salvation…and it is God’s plan to use we believers, and the example of our walk, as testimonies to those who He intends to save. Finally, Paul exhorts us to be zealous for good works. We are to look for every opportunity to live Christ before the world. Not so they can be impressed by our faith or piety…but so they might see Christ in us. Our good works reflect Christ in us. Biblical Christianity not only brings truth into our lives… it reveals God’s truth through our lives.
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