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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



This is Paul’s second letter to Timothy, giving instruction to the young pastor. I love the way Paul begins this letter, by referring to Timothy as a son. There is a special love that exists between a father and a son in healthy relationships. Paul is so thankful for Timothy and the kind of man he is…Paul prays for Timothy all the time. Paul could not wait to spend time with Timothy. Paul is grateful to God for Timothy’s faith, and his heritage of faith that came to him from his grandmother and mother. Paul wants to encourage Timothy in the faith, because this world is not easy, especially for a servant of Jesus. We are given a great truth as we face this fear-filled world… ”God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. God has gifted each of His children with these things. He has given you and me His power, His love, and His comfort for our minds. Don’t let fear consume you, it does not come from God. You and I literally have no reason to fear…our Father holds all things in His powerful hands!

There is no reason to be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord…it is why we are here. His testimony is good news that people cannot earn salvation, but it comes as a free gift from God. The world does not want this message, so we can know that suffering will come as we try to share our witness of Christ. We are to hold fast to the sound words of God, that have been committed to us. This is true for all Christians, but in the context of this letter, it is especially true for pastors. The Holy Spirit who indwells us is all about glorifying Jesus…that is our call, that is our life. Paul closes out this chapter by praising Onesiphorus for his great faith, and that he was not ashamed of Paul or his chains. Paul speaks a blessing over him for his continued love and care for Paul, and for his great ministry of faith.

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.


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