The writer once again speaks of both the purpose and the differences between the old covenant and new covenant…both in the sanctuary and sacrifice. The old covenant sanctuary was designed concerning the sanctuary in heaven…and the sacrifice offered by the high priest in that sanctuary was the forerunner of the ultimate sacrifice that was to be offered once and for all by Jesus. The symbolism of the several old covenant sacrifices was to bring the people of God to the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. The primary sacrifice, that on the Day of Atonement, where the high priest enters the presence of God (the Holy of Holies)…represents most clearly what would happen when Jesus was crucified on the cross at Calvary.
The genuine tabernacle is perfect and not made with the hands of humans, but prepared by the hands of God Himself. The new covenant was established with the perfect blood of Christ, not with the blood of animals. Once the perfect blood (sacrifice) was done, there was no need for another…which was not true for the blood of animals, which had to happen over and over again. Jesus’ death was necessary, for if it did not happen, we would still be lost in our sin…without hope. Christ, unlike the old covenant high priests, did not enter into the Holy of Holies, but was sacrificed on the last altar ever needed on the cross. This is so important, because it is appointed for man to die once, and after death to stand in judgment of God. Christ’s death makes it possible for us to stand right before God.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.