If a people reject the Lord, His counsel, and then His protection…where are they going to find help? Judah thought they could flee to Egypt to find security and safety, for certainly Egypt was a mighty power. Really…isn’t this the same Egypt who once ruled the known world, yet fell into disarray when God demonstrated His power over all their false gods? Didn’t God already save His people from bandage from this very same “power”? What power does Egypt have to save, that is greater than the Lord? God told Judah not to go to Egypt for help, they ignored Him, only to have Babylon attack and defeat Egypt, and at the same time destroy the remnant of Judah. It does not matter the size and power of any man-made military, none can stand against the Lord. The time is coming when all the armies of the world will be gathered to come against the Lord when He returns…and He will destroy them instantaneously, with the Word that comes out of His mouth. Find your security in the only One who can guarantee your security…Jesus. The Psalmist reminds us how people act when they get themselves in trouble through their disobedience to God…all of the sudden they need the God they rejected…all of the sudden they want Him to be merciful…and all of the sudden they are ready to recognize Him and respond to Him. We need to be following God faithfully before the trouble starts. If we do we won’t have to wonder where He is, or if we have His protection.
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