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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



In the midst of all kinds of opposition Nehemiah finishes the wall around the city of Jerusalem. As I stated earlier, a wall was a necessity in order for the city to survive and even be considered a city. We spoke of the approaches of opposition from those who did not want Nehemiah to complete his God-given mission. Life is filled with these kinds of people, who will oppose everything you attempt to do in obedience to the Lord’s call on your life. It is to be expected…it is proof that you are on the right path. This opposition will come from all sides, from religious and secular alike…and they will come at you in many different ways. In our reading today, we see the opposition comes through an attempt to get Nehemiah to compromise his work. Never sit down at the table of compromise with the enemies of God…the result will never be good or honoring to God. They opposed Nehemiah by slandering him and lying about him…those who follow the “father of lies”, cannot do anything else but lie, it's their nature. Finally, when all else failed they tried to oppose Nehemiah through treachery. Those who oppose God’s work will never stop using any and every means to try to stop it. It is why we are told to keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith…don’t look or listen to the opposition, look and listen to Jesus. The Psalmist cries out to God for rescue…for he knew that only God can rescue us from the enemies of our faith, and our God. The Lord is our defense…so what can they do to us? The enemy will growl like a dog, and the Lord laughs at their feeble barking that will lead to nothing. In Acts, the Holy Spirit falls on more and more people. He is in them, empowering them to walk as God’s people. He still does that today. God works through Paul in Ephesus…he performs great miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. Of course, Paul faces opposition…but once again this opposition is not about Paul, but about the power of the Gospel of Christ impacting and changing people, so they no longer need their meaningless idols. We are to walk in the power of the Spirit, continue to work in the ministries that God has called us to…expect opposition, but don’t submit to it, for, “…greater is He who is in you, then he who is in the world”.

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