There is no room in the church for favoritism, partiality, or cronyism. God intend His church to be a place where all believers stand equal before Him. We are to stand side by side, and not one over the other…not one more important than the other. We are not to be like the world, who values people because of their power, prestige, and wealth. We show our faith is real when we start seeing every person in the church family as precious souls for which Jesus died…and we treat each other with the dignity of Christ. When we do not we dishonor our brothers and sisters, and God…and worse yet, we blaspheme the Name of the Lord.
There is no profit to claim to have faith that is absent the works of God. We must live our faith…or our faith in nonexistent. If we have a have a brother or sister in need, we must meet that need…biblical faith requires this. Believing that God exists is not enough…every demon in hell knows that truth. Our faith must be alive…it must “do”…or it is not faith. Every example of biblical faith given to us in the Scriptures reveals the person living their faith, not just talking about it. Talk is cheap…biblically alive faith is priceless.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.