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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce


Updated: Jan 3, 2022

NOVEMBER 24, 2021 READINGS... Romans 2:1-4:25

The book of Romans is so rich with biblical truth…it really is Paul’s great treatise. After one reads and understands this book, they are grounded in the truth of God found throughout all of Scripture. As chapter 2 begins Paul reminds us that it is not our place to condemn (eternally judge) those guilty of the perversion describe in chapter 1. He warns us that our sins are just as bad. We need to be reminded that God’s grace is greater than our sins…and that ANY sin left unforgiven by God through Jesus brings the judgment of God. Part of the evidence of genuine forgiveness, and a genuine faith in God, is we no longer practice the sins that are abhorrent to God. Complete obedience to God’s law makes one right with God…the problem is that no one, except Jesus, has ever kept God’s law perfectly and completely. Therefore, we stand condemned in our sin…that is why Jesus died on the cross. He who is perfect died for we who are imperfect, that we might be made perfect in the eyes of God. No one can claim anything else makes them right with God other than Jesus…the Jew cannot claim circumcision, and those in the church cannot claim baptism. Only faith alone in Jesus alone brings forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

Paul tells us the fact that ALL people are sinners. Not a one of us measures up to the standard of God…which is perfection. So, Jesus took the punishment that was due us, so that God who is just would have His justice satisfied. Sin always brings condemnation…Jesus faced the judgment of His Father, so that if we trust in Him, we will never have to face that judgment. Jesus is the Substitutionary Atonement for our sin. On the cross our sin was imputed to Him, paid for by His sacrifice…so that His righteousness might be imputed to we redeemed children of God. Abraham, known as the father of the Jewish nation, was counted as righteous because he believed God…that’s faith. Biblical faith is always more than believing in God, (the demons believe in God) …biblical faith involves believing God. Those who by faith believe God are those who genuinely believe in God. Abraham, who lived 2000 years before Jesus was made righteous by faith in God, believing in the coming Messiah. That is why Jesus said even Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus’ day. The proof that Abraham believed God is seen in his unwavering faith and complete trust in God. Do we who claim biblical salvation have unwavering faith and complete trust in God through His Son, Jesus?

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.

TOMORROW’S READINGS… Romans 5:1-8:17

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