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Writer: Pastor Tony PiercePastor Tony Pierce

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

NOVEMBER 11, 2021 READINGS... Acts 10:1-12:5

The Gospel of Jesus is about to begin to be shared with the Gentiles…and through a reluctant disciple. The Gospel to the Gentile nations was not a secondary plan of God…the Gospel was always intend to be shared with all people. (Matthew 28:19-20). It seems Peter forgot the words of Jesus. We read of a Roman officer named Cornelius to whom the Holy Spirit gave a vision that would ultimately lead to Cornelius’ salvation. It involved calling for Peter to come to his home and share. This was a huge problem for Peter…for the Jews considered all the Gentiles unclean…added to the fact that Cornelius was in the Roman army. God prepared Peter to be willing to go by sending him a vision. A sheet filled will unclean things to eat. God told Peter to eat, and Peter responded that he would not, for he had never eaten such unclean things. The Lord’s response was, “ don’t call anything unclean that I have made clean!” This vision was not about food, but about Peter sharing the Gospel of Christ with a Roman army officer. Peter went to Cornelius’ home and shared…now the Gospel has come to the Gentiles, and Peter learned that God shows no partiality.

Two other important things happened during this time. First, the scattered church begins to grow wherever the followers of Christ went. Clearly this is part of God’s great plan that the Gospel spread over the whole earth. That plan continues today…and we are privileged to be part of it. Both Jews and Gentiles were now hearing the Gospel. Saul travelled with Barnabas, and began his teaching ministry. And no one would have thought this possible…the Pharisee of Pharisees, was about to become the Apostle to the Gentiles. Second, Peter and James are put in prison by Herod Agrippa. James, the brother of John, becomes the first Apostle to be martyred for his faith. The plan was also to kill Peter…but God had other plans. Remember, God will always accomplish His plan and purpose…and no human power is capable of stopping Him!

Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.

TOMORROW’S READINGS… Acts 12:6-14:20


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