We have all heard the statement, "Israel is God's chosen people". This is true because of the covenant that God made to and through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. There are some things that this truth does not mean. It does not mean that every individual that is Jewish has automatic salvation, no matter what they do. Nor, does it mean that God loves the Jewish people more than other people. Nor, does it mean the Jewish people have been given a blank check to do, believe, or worship anyway they want, without consequences. It means God created the nation of Israel to be a light to all the nations. To be His own special people, who humbly followed the Lord in order that others might know Him. Ezekiel reminded the people of God's goodness to them, yet they rejected God. They are a picture of so many was God who created Israel, out of nothing...and it is God who created mankind. Yet both have rejected God, and His authority over their lives. This brings dire consequences, as Ezekiel told Judah. In Galatians, Paul reminds us of the need to help bear one another's burdens. We were never intended to do life on our own. Certainly, we have the Lord, but by God's design we also have one another...we are called to be there for one another. He encourages us to not become weary in doing good toward others. The Lord rewards those who genuinely care for others. Finally, we are called to do whatever we do with the right motives...which requires us to always check those motives, and lay them before the Lord.
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