MAY 3 READING…PSALM 119:89-176
The Psalmist continues to be grateful for the Word of God. Oh, that we would also praise God for the incredible, eternal gift of His Holy Word. We are told that God’s Word is settled forever in heaven…even before we received it here on earth it eternally existed in heaven. And the faithfulness of God endures for all generations. We are then to meditate on the Lord’s Word both day and night…for His commandments make us wise, even when we deal with our enemies. We gain understanding of all things through the Word of God. His Word illuminates the path we are to walk…so we don’t walk in darkness, but in the light of the Lord. We are to love the Word of the Lord…for it is a priceless gift of God to us. Our God is righteous, and all of His judgments are right. His Word is pure, without any error, and infallible in every area it speaks. Though we walk in a world that is hostile to the Word of the Lord…it is by that very Word we are instructed to walk. We are instructed to remember the commandments of the Lord…for His Word is the only reliable source of truth in this world filled with falsehoods.
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