How fickle people are. In Lystra a crippled man was healed by Paul and Barnabas. The pagan people believed that Paul and Barnabas were their gods who had come down in the flesh. They called Barnabas Zeus, and Paul Hermes. Their priests even sought to offer a sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas were grieved at what they were doing…so they stopped them by sharing the truth about the one true God. There was a group of Jews who came over from Antioch and Iconium to stir up the people of Lystra. They enraged the people to the point of stoning Paul. Many commentators believe that Paul died from the stoning, and the believers gathered and prayed, and he was restored to life. Paul and Barnabas then went to Derbe to preach the Gospel and then returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch to strengthen the believers. Notice that Paul and Barnabas did not let the opposition keep them from doing what the Lord called them to do, even violent opposition. When we have God’s call on our lives we need to obey the Lord regardless of the opposition. Paul and Barnabas then sailed back to Antioch where they were welcomed and shared all the wonderful things that God had done.
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