Two new and important things happened that were recorded in today’s reading. First, the church at Jerusalem could not deny the power of God to save all people. Peter shared with the council what God had done in saving the Roman officer, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in his life. This also brought to them a deeper understanding of what it meant to be baptized in the Holy Spirit…which is the true baptism. When the Holy Spirit baptizes us we are brought into the family of God…we are changed from the inside/out. Water, or ritual, baptism is done as a testimony of one who has received new life in Christ. We do not baptize people in order for them to be saved…we baptize people because they are saved. The second important event we read in this chapter is that Paul (formerly Saul) and Barnabas begin their ministry in Antioch. It was in Antioch where the followers of Christ were first called Christians. The world was about to change dramatically, as the Gospel was being preached over the whole known world. The Gospel’s purpose was not to affirm, celebrate, or accept us…the Gospel’s purpose was to rescue, transform, and redirect us…it’s purpose has not changed in over 2000 years.
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