Luke records for us the day the world changed. The prophesies of the Old Testament have come true. Messiah has arrived as a little baby in a manger…just as the prophet said in the town of Bethlehem. He was born of a virgin exactly as the prophet declared. He was not born in the palace, but both of His parents were of royal blood, from the line of David and the tribe of Judah…just as the prophet declared, and as Jacob spoke over his son. He was announced not to kings and nobles, but to a group of unclean shepherds. You see, He didn’t come to join the royal class…He came to save those who knew they needed a savior. Those who thought they were already clean and had all they needed, would never trust in Him…they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, but wanted a Messiah who would join them and give them everything they wanted. At His circumcision there were two old people… a prophet and a prophetess there to welcome Him…though again nobody of any real standing listen to what they declared. At age twelve He revealed Himself to the teachers of the Word in the temple, and He continued to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. This is Jesus…this is Messiah…this is the Christ…this is the Savior of all who believe in Him. This is my Lord…and I hope yours also.
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