In our reading today we are shown that those who really know the Lord are joyful with the the opportunity to give an offering to Him. Offerings come from a heart of gratitude from one who knows their God, and see giving to the Lord as a great privilege, rather than a burdensome obligation. To be sure the Scripture teaches us the proper way to give our offerings to the Lord…and the type of offerings we are to give are prescribed by the Lord. We see this in Numbers 28, where instructions are given for the daily, Sabbath, monthly, Passover, and the Feast of Weeks offerings. All these offerings reflect a knowledge of God, and the joy of life filled with His blessings. In John 10, Jesus reveals Himself as the good Shepherd. He does this to distinguish Himself from the hirelings seeking things for themselves, due to their religious positions. A true shepherd gives his life for his sheep…while the hirelings run to save themselves, leaving their sheep to be destroyed. The sheep of the true Shepherd are grateful, hear His voice, love Him, and see it as a great privilege to give to Him. Those who don’t know Him, reject Him, hate Him, and even want to kill Him. May we know our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ…and joyfully join Him in giving and being a part of His kingdom work.
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