There have been many depictions of Jesus in the movies, but very few present Him as happy and you never see Him laughing. It's as if laughing is something contrary to God and His nature. Jesus is always seen as this serious person with little joy and with even less of a sense of humor. I don't see Him that way...while I certainly see Him as serious when that was needed, I also see Him as filled with joy and having a great sense of humor. If you just look at creation there are many things that make you laugh. Look at all the wonderful expressions on the faces of our children and babies and it will make you laugh. Have a friend share of a funny experience and we laugh. Just observe the interesting people around you and watch what they do and you can't help but laugh. Jesus saw and experienced all of this, and I believe He laughed and walked in the fullness of life.
For some reason we believe that it is only in somberness and seriousness that we can experience the Lord. There are certainly times that being somber and serious is needed and appropriate, but they are no guarantee of piety. Our gift of laughter is a gift from God. They tell me that it actually takes less facial muscles to smile than it does to maintain a frown. Laughter is like medicine for our souls. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is, "A time to laugh..." I believe the Lord enjoys our laughter. He enjoys our happiness and our joy. He has given us these as a gift in our lives that are at times filled with serious situations we might also have those times when we are lifted up. In laughter there is a release from the troubles of life, it is something the Lord has given us so we don't walk weighted down by the events of life. So today look around you, see both the beauty and humor in God's creation, let that smile come on your face, then just let the laughter flow. It will do you good.
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