On the morning of Christ's Resurrection, a woman named Mary came to the grave of Jesus. She saw the open tomb and that Jesus' body was gone. Then, she turns and sees a man that she supposes to be the gardener and he asks her, "Woman why are you crying?" She did not know who this man was that was speaking to her so she says, "Sir if you have taken away my Lord, tell me where you have put him and I will get him." The one standing in front of her said, "Mary!” He called her named and immediately she knew it was Jesus, her response was "Teacher.” How wonderful that it was at the point that Jesus declared that he knew Mary's name that she recognized Him for who He is. This whole experience reveals the intimacy that the Lord of all creation has with us...HE KNOWS YOUR NAME!
Do you not find it incredible that the Lord knows you? Do you not find it amazing that the Lord cares to know you? Do you not find it wonderful that the Lord cares for everything about you? In this world we live in there are a lot of "famous" and "important" people. These people, for the most part, would not give us the time of day much less really care about our lives. To many of these "famous" and "important,” we are little nobodies who only exist to feed into their celebrity status. Jesus is the Lord of the universe. He is the creator of all that is...there is no one greater, no one grander, no one more important. Yet He cares for we "nobodies!” He cares about what we are going through. He cares about our hurts and pain. He cares about our feelings and insecurities...He cares about needs. He cares enormously about us! And He expresses this to each of us personally in a simple but powerful way...He calls our name. He doesn't ignore you and speak around you. He doesn't demean you and speak above you. He speaks to you, because He intimately and completely cares for you. He knows your name...thank you Jesus...YOU KNOW MY NAME!
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