How wonderful it is that God is a God of restoration. This is so great, because we have all wandered away from God and the world has left us broken, dirty and in need of some serious help. There is a wonderful Christian couple who have a television show called, "Fixer Upper"...their names are Chip and Jo Gaines. The tag line for their show is, "We take the worst house in the best neighborhood and turn it into our client's dream home." They take their clients through neighborhoods where they find homes that have been neglected, abused, outdated, or simply worn out. They begin the restoration process and by the end of the hour-long show the clients have an incredibly beautiful dream home, that is even more wonderful than they could imagine. All who watch seem to appreciate the incredible skill and giftedness this couple has to restore homes.
As incredible as the Gaines' ability and giftedness is and as amazing as it is to see what they can do with old homes in need of restoration, God does so much more with us when He restores us. He can take that which is ugly and make it beautiful. He is able to take the worst of sinners and transform them into the best of saints. God never does a patch job; fixing and repairing just parts of who we are. He always does a complete restoration...both inside and out. His work is so powerfully wonderful that when He is finished we are not even the same person we were when He started. God takes that which is useless and falling apart and makes it strong and capable in Him, to do things of eternal significance. The Scripture says that God is able to "make beauty out of ashes"...our God is great at restoration. And unlike the homes that are restored on "Fixer Upper," which will one day begin to deteriorate and wear out, we have been given an eternal "fixing up" by God! We are so blessed that God is willing to take the worst of sinners and make us into more than we could ever imagine.
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