When Jesus was with His disciples He told them that they would be brought before the authorities…He also told them not to worry about what they would say, as it would be given to them when they needed it. This was the promise of the provision of the Holy Spirit to the followers of Christ. The same Holy Spirit is in us, so we don’t have to prepare an answer for those who would come against us, we just need to share what the Spirit of God gives us. In our reading Paul is brought before King Agrippa, and the King gives Paul permission to speak freely, and say anything he wants. Paul gives his testimony. Paul gives each of us a great model for how to share our testimony when we have the opportunity. Here is the model…1. Paul’s life before Christ…2. What happened when Paul met Christ and trusted in Him…3. Paul’s life since trusting in Christ. We can all use this model in both preparing and sharing our testimony with someone. A testimony is important, because it makes Jesus personal to you…it’s what God has done for you. Paul then gives King Agrippa the opportunity to trust in Christ. Sadly, Agrippa walks away. Remember the results of your sharing with others is between them and God…you and I are just to be faithful in sharing.
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