Paul begins this chapter with an urgent, and heartfelt plea for we Christians. That we would present our bodies as living sacrifices…holy and acceptable to God. Any sacrifice to God must be holy and meet His standards in order for Him to accept them. The teaching in the Old Testament concerning what sacrifice the priests would bring and how they would bring them bears this out. We are told not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed as our minds are renewed by His Word and His Spirit. When this happens our lives will prove, by showing forth, His good, pleasing, and acceptable will.
Paul tells us that we are uniquely gifted by God in order to serve Him, and minister to one another. These gifts are diverse by design, and given to each as the Holy Spirit decides. They are given by the grace of God, in other words they are not earned or deserved, but given freely by the Spirit as He desires. We are encouraged to use the gift the Spirit has given us in the measure it is given. As we minister and live in this world we are to do so without hypocrisy. We are to abhor evil, and hang on tight to what is good. Do not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.