Paul had a special call from the Lord…and He was gifted in teaching/preaching the Word. As a teacher of the Word of God he was also responsible for that which he taught. In the community of Corinth there were those who had neither the calling nor the ability to teach the Word of God properly. These people spent much of their time criticizing Paul, disputing his teaching of the Word, and spreading their own brand of teachings that were not empowered by the Holy Spirit. Nothing has changes, for we live in a time where people outside the church criticize the church, and Pastors, for what we teach…while at the same time these people are ignorant of what the Bible actually says. These unqualified teachers fill their understanding and expression of their view of Scripture with their own carnality, and self-serving bias. Paul had to make clear that there are callings of God, and there is gifting that comes from the Holy Spirit. Also required is the discipline of studying and spending time in the Scripture…and time with the Lord in prayer that the discernment of the Holy Spirit will be given. We must always remember that when it comes to teaching the Word of God it is not to come from the human teacher, but through the human teacher from the Holy Spirit. You can know whether it is from the Holy Spirit or not by whether the teaching conforms or contradicts what the Scripture says. Teaching the Word of God is a humbling experience and should never point to the teacher, but to the Lord. If the result of someone teaching is about self-promotion or puffing up of self…those “teachers” need to be avoided.
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