Paul finishes the letter of Romans with many greetings…it is clear to him that his time on this earth is soon coming to an end. Paul would be killed by the Roman authorities by having his head removed as one who refused to bow to and worship Caesar. He took time to acknowledge the special people in his life…then he gave this final instruction. He told them to keep track of those who cause division in the church…this division being the result of those who would bring in false doctrine. We are to do this today…we must mark those who are teaching false doctrines in the name of Christ, leading people away from genuine faith into a false religion. Truth was important to Paul, and should be important to us. The rejection of biblical truth for some other “truth” will lead to precious souls entering eternity without Christ. It is never a small thing, from a biblical view, that there are false teachers/preachers in the church. Doctrine/truth is important…they are vital…and they must be not only taught but defended. And we should not hesitate to mark those who dare to teach heretical doctrine in the church…people’s eternal destinies depend on us doing this. Paul closes the letter by pointing all the readers to Jesus. May our words always point people to Jesus, the only Son of God, the only Savior of the world…for there are too many false “Jesus” being taught in too many churches in our day.
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