JULY 15 READINGS...Psalm 136 & 146-150
Today we finish the book of Psalms. Hasn’t is been a blessing to read these expressions of faith and thankfulness to our wonderful God? Don’t you just love Psalm 136…it will not let us forget something very important to us about our God…in fact it repeats it 26 times! Here is an eternal truth that we who are the children of the Most High God can rest in, and trust all the days of our lives… “His faithful love endures forever”. It does not matter what we are going through…whether times of great blessings, or times of great difficulty, the Lord’s faithful love endures forever. As a matter of fact, all that we face now…though at times is very hard…is only temporary, on the other side of these things is the reality of the fact that God’s faithful love endures forever. Do you see it? God’s faithful love is what eternity is all about! Even those, who have trusted in Jesus, who have suffered in this life unto their physical death, are now experiencing in His glorious presence the eternal faithful love of our God. This ought to bring us comfort, encouragement, strength, and confidence in the God who holds eternity! The psalmist reminds us that He is the God who is our helper and our hope…that He will reign forever. He is the one who counts the stars, and calls them by name. His power is absolute…and He puts no confidence in the strength of horses or human might. He is the One who created everything that is, out of nothing…so He is able to make the promise and keep it, that His faithful love will endure forever!
The last two Psalms are a call, for we the children of Lord, to sing a new song unto our God. We are called to gather together and in the assembly of believers praise the Name of the Lord. We are to come dancing before Him, as we rejoice in Him. From our mouths we are called to sing forth the praises of our God…for this is our glorious privilege. How do we sing this new song…the song of our redemption? Psalm 150 tells us to sing forth with great exuberance. We are to praise Him in His sanctuary… and praise Him in His mighty heavens. We are to praise Him for His mighty works…for His greatness is unequaled. Blast the trumpet…strum the stringed instruments…shake the tambourine and dance…play the flute…clang the cymbals loudly, for He is worthy. Yes! Let everything that has breath…PRAISE THE LORD!
Share your thoughts from today’s readings. Take some time to spend alone with the Lord and consider who He is, and all that He has done. Then praise the Lord!
TOMORROW’S READING…Isaiah 18:1-23:18