Paul reminds us of the truth that ultimately and finally God is The Judge of all. Let’s remember that we and others are primarily the servants of God. Yes, we will serve others…but the best way to serve others is to serve God faithfully. When we place ourselves as the servants of situations and circumstances, rather than servants of God, we get off track in what we are to be about. When the Lord comes everything and everyone will be judged perfectly. This does not negate the need for us to judge all things and hold on to what is pure and right, to judge the teachings of professed teachers, and to judge by their words the false teachers. This judgment is not a matter of condemnation on our part, but to evaluate what is being said according to the Scripture whether it is true or not, and whether the teacher is genuine or not.
We should be grateful for the faithfulness of true pastors and teachers among us…but do not raise them to the place that belongs to Jesus alone. Every servant of Jesus is a mere human, but Jesus is the eternal Son of God…He is God! All true servants of God realize and rejoice that they join all the other servants who have come before them, and are around them serving now. Be careful not to get puffed that leads to arrogance…for we are all servants of God and need to function with humility. We are reminded to not be a people of words only, but people who obey and do what the Lord commands.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.