One of the instructions given for when the church shares communion is that we are to do this until He (Jesus) comes again. It is one of the fundamental tenets of our faith that Jesus is coming again and that all eyes will see Him. The Apostle Paul tells us this is our blessed hope. Jesus can come again because He is alive...He overcame sin, death and hell, by His Resurrection. It is this living Lord who will return one day, and He will rule with a rod of iron. In His first Advent, Jesus came as a lowly babe in the manger...He will come the second time as the rider on the white horse with a diadem on His head. He came the first time to serve and to ultimately suffer for us. His Second Advent, He will come as the conquering King of King and Lord of Lords. His promised coming is our great hope!
When the world says "hope," they mean there is a chance or a possibility that something might happen. Another word for hope in the world is “gamble.” They don't know, but they really hope or desire for something to happen, though they have no assurance that it will. To the believer the word "hope" is not about chance, it is not a gamble as to whether something will happen or not. When the Scripture uses the word hope to us it speaks of a certainty...it will happen. Paul says that the appearing of Christ is our blessed hope. This means we as believers have the assurance, the guarantee that God will do everything He said He would do. When we hope in the Lord and in His Word we don't have to wonder anymore...we don't have to worry anymore...we certainly don't have to doubt anymore. The promise of God is that Jesus is coming again, what a great and blessed hope. The great thing is that as with this promise we can have hope...it is also true of every promise of God! Now go on out there child of God and live in the HOPE you have in Christ Jesus!
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