This chapter begins the greatest sermon ever preached. Jesus shares with the multitude about what is really true about the kingdom of God, and those who would desire to live in it. The people had been led astray by the religious leaders, and Jesus was about to set the record straight. Man do we need that in today’s misunderstanding of what the church is, it’s mission, and what it means to be a follower of Christ. This sermon is meant to be practical…it is meant for our application. Jesus turns the world upside down when He gives them the beatitudes…letting them know truth, and what brings true blessings from God. He tells us we are to be both salt and light in this dark and lost world. He tries to help us understand that He is the fulfillment of the law, and the fulfillment of all the prophets. He clarifies that murder, adultery, or any outward sin, always begins in the heart. Marriage is of God and is therefore sacred and binding. He tells us to be people of integrity…no need to swear oaths, when your yes is yes, and your no, no. We are to love our enemies, and even go the second mile when they mistreat us. This is not a call to approve anything and everything anyone does, or ignore injustice…but to treat them with the love of God, with discernment in all situations.
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