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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce



Every opportunity is not from the Lord. You have heard it said, "I will wait and see what door opens and that's where I will go." This sounds more like chance than faith. Just because a door opens does not mean it is from the Lord. We are to walk by faith, not by sight and not by opportunity. The Bible tells us to test every spirit to see if it is from God (JOHN 4:1). Why do you suppose the Scripture would give such instruction? Because there is more than one spirit out there...more than one spirit trying to speak into your life...more than one spirit trying to control you. Every spirit is not from God, so we need biblical discernment. It is the same with the doors that open to us...we need biblical discernment to determine if the door is opened by the Lord or by someone else.

Jesus said that He "is the Door." This means that everything in our life should go through Him. He is the way in and the way out. He is the one who opens up opportunities and He is the one who closes opportunities. We are to do all things through Him to make sure we are not going through the wrong doors. This will take willingness on our part to spend time with the Lord in prayer, fellowship and in His Word. Discernment is not a feeling; it is based on the Word of God. He is ready to guide you and me in all things and through all things. Some describe faith as stepping out into the darkness and trusting God...I describe faith as stepping into the light of Christ and trusting Him. The path the Lord has for us is not one of mystery and darkness, but one of revelation and light. Before you go through any door, make sure it is the door the Lord is leading you through; that it is the door that He is opening. Make sure you are walking in His marvelous light. "Jesus is the Door"...that means if we walk by faith, everything that should be open or closed to us, is in Him!

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