Do you have something that you would not give up for the Lord? Do your possessions own you, or are you just a steward of your material possessions? Can we understand that the day will come when we will leave everything of this world behind? I have sat with literally hundreds of people as they were approaching death…and other than their concern for their family that would be left behind, not one of them was concerned about any material thing. The things of this world begin to fade away as we face the actual reality of our own mortality. Jesus called us to follow Him with the attitude that we could meet Him today. Ask yourself this question, “Is there anything I own that if the Lord asked me to give it up, I wouldn’t?” Do we have things before the Lord in our lives? Jesus may or may not ask us to give up something…the point is, would we be willing if He asked? Some have said that it seemed unfair that Jesus asked the rich young ruler to give up everything, and He does not do that with everyone. Don’t miss what is happening in this scenario. Jesus knew the heart of the rich young ruler, and Jesus knows our heart. Jesus knew what was important to this young man, and Jesus knows what is important to us. Jesus requires all of us to be willing to give up anything that would have our hearts, our minds, our priorities…and give these to Him alone. What stands between you and Jesus today…let it go…it’s not worth it!
Please share your thoughts.