In this chapter Jesus reveals in three different ways that He is more than a great preacher, or even a good man…He reveals His Deity. The first way He shows this in the healing of the sick and infirmed. He does the impossible by healing a leper of his skin disease. This people should not have even come close to Jesus in order to be healed, because their disease rendered them unclean and highly contagious. But this man saw something special in Jesus, that he came right up to Jesus and declared in faith that Jesus could bring him healing…which Jesus did. Jesus also healed the Centurion’s servant, revealing that God is concerned not only with Israel, but with the whole world. Then Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law. The Lord in all these healings reveals that He is the Creator of our physical bodies…He made them, He has the power over them, and He can heal them…for Jesus is God. The second way Jesus revealed His Deity by calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus is the Creator of all that is in nature, so when He speaks to the wind and the waves they respond to Him. Who could possibly speak to the forces of nature and have them immediately obey His voice…Jesus, who is God. Third, we see the revelation of who Jesus is by His casting demons out of two men. Who is it that has authority to cast our demons, and set people free from possession? Jesus…who is God. Matthew 8 leaves little doubt concerning the Deity of Jesus, and the Bible bears out that Jesus was not just a teacher who worked miracles…but Jesus is the Lord God.
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