The theme in our reading is the conditional covenant of God. There is a difference between an unconditional covenant (examples would be the covenants given through Noah & Abraham), and conditional covenants (examples would be the covenant given through Moses & David). An unconditional covenant is God’s promises that are not based on the response or behavior of mankind. While a conditional covenant is based upon both the response and behavior of those to whom it is offered. You could say that a conditional covenant is seen in the verbiage, “if/then”. God says if the people will do what I require, then I will do the following. By definition this means that if people refuse to do what God requires they will not receive the benefits of God’s promise. God, through Moses, requires proper behavior from the people of Israel in order for them to live in His covenant. He does not leave them in the dark as to what He requires as He gives them the ten commandments to follow. Of course, the initial response was that they would certainly do what God requires…but it becomes clear that they do not keep their commitment to the covenant of God.
For the church Peter calls us back to the purity of the Word of God…not just to read it, but to know it and obey it. And while in the Old Testament the people of God offered up literal animal sacrifices in obedience to God, we now have Jesus, our Cornerstone, who is the sacrifice of God. It is through His sacrifice we are right with God…He is the promise (new covenant) of God. As we respond to the Holy Spirit and put our faith in Jesus we are brought into Christ, God’s Covenant. Our lives should reflect the reality of under the new covenant in Christ Jesus. We are to abstain from fleshly lust, we are to submit (properly respond to) the government set over us…as well as submit to our employers.
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