In our reading today, we have the Lord giving to His people the Sabbath and the feasts to reveal to them His perfect plan that will be fulfilled through Messiah. Moses gives the Lord’s requirement for the priests as to what they can and cannot do. All of the Lord’s requirements are based upon the fact that God is God. There are seven feasts that the Lord has given to His people, they were required to observed them properly at their God given times. This sets a precedence that it is the Lord who decides what is brought to Him, how it is brought to Him, and when it is brought to Him. It also establishes for us that God is faithful to reveal Himself to His people.
In 1 John 3, we have God’s wonderful reminder that we can know Him as His children…we have this because He has been faithful to reveal Himself to us. Because we now know Him we are called to be a pure people, just as the Lord is pure. We are reminded that to continue to practice sin is to break the law. As we abide in Him we do not sin…it is when we do not abide in Him that we sin. How we live reveals who we belong to. If we live in sin, we show we are followers of the devil…when we walk in and practice righteousness, we show we belong to God. Cain showed his heart by his sin…we show our hearts by how we live. We ought not to be surprised that the world hates us as we follow the Lord…they hated Him first. We are called to love…not just with empty words, but with our deeds. We reveal that we abide in the Lord as we keep His commandments.
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