Have you discovered that heaven doesn’t see or prioritize things the way the earth does? Heaven values marriage…the earth treats it as something disposable. Heaven values children…the earth sees them as a nuisance, if they are even allowed to live at all before being murdered by abortion and discarded. Heaven values the human soul, while in the earth humans are discarded easily if someone can make a buck off of it. Humans are sent into wars for money, prestige and power of individuals who treat precious human souls as cannon fodder so they can have these things. Heaven warns of the corrupting nature of money and material things, while the earth tells us that to acquire these things is why we exist. Heaven tells us to live for eternity, while the earth tells us to live for now…for there is no eternity. Heaven tells us in order to be great we must become humble and a servant, while the earth tells us to become great, we must crush others, exalt self, and demand to be served. Whose economy are you and I following…heaven’s or earth’s? The first leads to life eternal…the second leads to eternal destruction.
Please share your thoughts.