The tabernacle was all about the Lord being reconciled with His people. It was the place He would meet them. It was part of His continued revelation of Himself that would culminate with the coming of Messiah Jesus. Today’s theme is God reconciling us to Himself…left to us we would never be reconciled. We would always go our own way. If God did not come to His people, there would be no people of God. We don’t find God…He comes after us, and brings us to Himself. Everything in the tabernacle, that is found in today’s reading is there for a purpose…to reconcile God’s people to Himself, and to point to the coming Messiah, who would remove any need for a tabernacle/temple made by the hands of man. Through Christ we become the temple of God, so wherever we are we are meeting with God…we are the reconciled ones.
Paul tells us these earthly tents (our bodies) are fading…but because of the resurrection we have the assurance of eternal bodies that will never wear out. We are called to live surrendered lives that are pleasing to the Lord. In Christ we are new creations, everything old has passed away, and all things are new in Him. We have been reconciled with God through Jesus, now we are to live as those who are right with God. Not only that, we are now ambassadors of God…representing Him to a world that also desperately needs to be reconciled to Him. All this through the sinless One who took our sin upon Himself, was punished for our sin, making all who believe right with God.
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