After Jesus prophesies the destruction of the temple, his disciples ask him three questions. When will these things happen? What will be the signs of Your coming? What will be the sign of the end of the age? In Matthew 24 Jesus answers two of these questions. The question about the temple was answered in 70AD, when Titus destroyed it. The signs of the end of the age Jesus said were…false christs, wars & rumors of war, persecution of believers, false prophets and teachers, increased lawlessness…all this while the Gospel is being proclaimed in all the world. Then a great tribulation will come, along with the Antichrist who will perform the abomination of desolation. The world will be moving toward self destruction. People will be declaring the coming of Messiah…but they are false reports. Then Jesus will come in the sky…and every eye will see Him. No one knows the exact day or hour, so we are instructed to always be ready to meet Jesus. So, I have a question…”Are you ready to meet Jesus today?”
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