God continually puts us in a position to be used by Him as He fulfills His great plan. Esther is a great example of this. In this biblical story people and their decisions are used of the Lord to put His people where He wants them. Queen Vashi, the Queen of Persia, overstepped her place, and the king had her set aside. Though the king had many wives and concubines, he would need a primary wife to serve as queen. Esther is encouraged by Mordecai, her cousin, to prepare herself and seek the position of queen, by pleasing the king. Mordecai and Esther were Jewish, and a time of great persecution was about to come upon the Jewish people. An evil man named Haman was going to manipulate the king in an attempt to exterminate the Jews. Throughout history, and even today, it is the plot of evil men, being moved by demons, to eliminate Israel. If they can do this, they can make God out a liar concerning His everlasting covenant with Israel. Some mistakenly think the conflict in the middle east is based on race, or geo-political matters…when actually it a spiritual matter, it always has been. In Acts, Paul is brought before the Roman authority, Festus…and also the Jewish King, Agrippa. The accusations were brought to these men of authority by those who opposed Paul…actually by those who opposed Jesus. There was clearly many dynamics at play concerning both the political, and the religious, pressures trying to stop Paul from continuing His God-given ministry. We should know that if we are going to follow God obediently, we can be guaranteed that opposition will raise its head.
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