Jesus, in heaven, begins to break the seals and open the scroll…nothing can happen on earth until the Lord allows it by opening the scroll. This begins seven years of tribulation on the earth. Once again, John uses imagery and word pictures to tell us of literal events that will take place during this time of tribulation, culminating with the second coming of Jesus. When the first seal is broken the Antichrist comes on the earth to fulfill his satanic mission and purpose. The second seal is broken, and war breaks out on the earth. The third seal is broken and famine, leading to shortages on the earth happens like the world has never seen. The fourth seal brings for death on an incredible scale…one fourth of the people on the earth die. The fifth seal reveals the soul of the martyrs in heaven. They are asking the Lord how much longer it would be until His final judgment and justice would fall on the wicked. The sixth seal and all of the created world is shaken. Earthquakes, and volcanoes, the sun and moon will be darkened by the release of the soot and debris. All the humans on the earth regardless of their stature will be filled with fear, and try to hide their faces from the presence of the Lord…for the great day of the wrath of God has come. Are you ready? Is your faith in Jesus alone for your eternal salvation? Jesus is the only Savior of our souls, and it requires us to put our faith in Him as Lord and Savior. I sincerely hope that you have.
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