Isaiah reminds us that God calls us to keep justice and do what is righteous. If we are genuine followers of the Lord, we will do what He requires…blessing are the results of obeying and following the Lord. Mankind, even the church, wants to decide what we will offer God. This usually results in some expression of our own personal piety. But, the Lord tells us that He desires that we make our lives a worship to Him, not just our religious gatherings. He has called us to break the bonds of wickedness…to lift up those carrying heavy burdens…to set the captives free. He tells us to share our food with the hungry…to help the weary, poor wanderer…to cover the naked…and to make ourselves available to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sadly, Israel ignored Isaiah’s instruction that came from the Lord…instead they chose to become involved in a multitude of sins, which sound very much like our day. They shed innocent blood…they lied and spoke perverse things…they rejected justice, deny truth and listened and trusted in lies…they had become perverted in their actions, and thought only on sinful things…and they did not desire, nor work for peace. What about our generation? What about our churches? Are we more like Israel in the days of Isaiah…or are we genuine followers of Jesus? We better decide quickly, because Revelation 19 tells us that Jesus is coming back! He is coming back as the King of kings, and Lord of lords! Who will be able to stand in that day? Only those who have put their trust in Jesus alone…only those who are the genuine people of God. When Jesus comes it will be too late to decide to follow Him. This is our day of decision…would you decide with me to be a follower of Jesus all of our days?
Please share your thoughts.