John continues to share about a mighty angel who came from heaven with a little book in his hand. As the angel stands in authority, with the book in his hand, seven thunders spoke loudly from heaven. As John was about to write what the thunders said, he was instructed not to write it. John hears a voice from heaven instructing him to take the book from the hand of the angel and eat it. It tasted as sweet as honey, but turned bitter in his stomach. This is the impact of prophecy…it is sweet because it comes from God…it is bitter because of what it reveals concerning the disobedience of mankind and the judgment of God. This is the same book Daniel was commanded to close up (Daniel 12:4). The Lord told him that the prophecies were for the time of the end, and would be revealed then. John opens what Daniel closes…and the eternal prophecies of God are now revealed.
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