When trouble comes in our lives how will we respond? It is easy to set back and discuss how Job missed the mark in so many ways as he dealt with the trouble he was facing, but I am pretty sure we would react in much the same way. It is so difficult for us to see past our own troubles, in order that we might see that God might have a bigger plan for our existence. Like Job, we would all like a “do over” to do it better than we did it the first time. Hindsight is truly 20-20…but without any hindsight our do over would likely be like our first time through. We are not privy to a practice round in life…we need to be responsive to the Lord in the life that He has given us. We can regret so much that it paralyzes us from being useful to God in the days He has given us. We cannot fix the past, but we can be responsive to the Lord that our future may be everything the Lord intends for it to be. The Psalmist teaches to seek the Lord while we can. We desperately need His guidance and direction in order to live a life that pleases Him. None of us are capable of living this life on our own. Guaranteed, we will mess up so much let to our own devices. It makes sense to trust the One who knows all things, and who has perfect knowledge and wisdom, in order to the in this world.
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