It was part of Jesus’ final prayer before going to the cross that His followers would be one…that they would have unity. This unity is found in Christ Himself…it’s not a religious decision to join together, but it is the union that happens between believers when they have Jesus as their Lord, and the desire to follow Him completely in their hearts. This is biblical unity. The Holy Spirit keeps the believers unified…even though we have so many differences. This unity is not a call to each of us being identical…but that we together have a common Lord and faith that we walk in. Paul speaks of this in our reading. When it comes to what is genuine in the eyes of the Lord…there is one church, led by one Spirit…we are all called to be followers of Jesus…we have one Lord, one faith, one baptism…and we have one God and Father of us all. Yes, there are different expressions within the church…but in the Lord has only one church, and He is the head of that church. Any religious group that does not have Jesus as its head, is not the church. The Lord has placed within His church gifts to fulfill the work He has called us to. He never intended that His church be “top-heavy”, that is ruled by, and ministry only done by “clergy”, but that every member of the church fulfilling the call of God with the giftedness the Holy Spirit has supplied. In the church we are called to put off the old man, and walk in the newness of who Christ has made us. In all things we need to live in such a way that we will not grieve the Holy Spirit.
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