How do we relate and function in the body of Christ? Humility is key, and the looking primarily to our own walk. But, because we are a family there will be times when a part of our family will stray away. In those times those who are walking rightly before God need to gently and humbly bring them back to the right path. In doing this all must be careful not to be filled with pride, or a sense of spiritual superiority, for this is also sin. No one is unimportant in the church, and all deserve proper care from the rest of the church body. Paul instructs that those who receive teaching from their pastors should provide for their pastors. He then reminds us that we will harvest what we plant. If what we sow is evil and ungodly, then we will reap evil and ungodliness. But if we sow that which is good, we will reap God’s goodness. In all things we are to do good to all people…but especially those who are in the family of faith.
Paul’s final words to this church and to us is to watch out for the legalist who add anything to the a gospel of Christ. Legalists do what they do in order to boast and brag about their accomplishments. Sadly, they don’t understand that their accomplishments mean nothing in comparison to the grace of God. Paul tells us to boast only in the work of Christ on the cross. We don’t exalt men and women, church is not for the recognition of what people do…church exist to glorify and worship the One who did all for us, that we might know the forgiveness of sin, and have eternal life. We are intended to walk together humbly, experiencing God’s peace and mercy.
Please share your thoughts from today’s reading.