Paul’s great concern for the church was that there were those who had infiltrated the church with another “gospel”. It is hard to fathom how important the genuine Gospel is…for it deals with people’s eternal souls. Paul did not spare his outrage that these people were spreading a false “gospel”, and pronounced God’s eternal judgment on them for doing so. Paul said that even if he or an angel offered a different “gospel”…let him and them experience God’s eternal judgment. Paul reminds us that God is not a respecter of people…in that He has no favorites, or truth is not based on a person’s position. Then Paul reminds us that the Gospel is not based upon the law, but on the grace of God. He says that if the law could make us right with God, then there would have been no reason for Jesus to die on the cross. So is the law bad? Of course not…but what the law does is show us the righteous of God, and the unrighteousness of we humans. All the law can do for us is condemn us…for it shows us as we are, and drives us to salvation in Christ alone. We are dead to the law, and alive in Christ Jesus. Therefore, to attempt to live by the law is impossible, and makes us hypocrites if we act like we can. Our life is not found in that which condemns us, but in the One who has saved us.
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