Leadership has its responsibilities. Primarily leaders in the church are to be servant leaders. Sometimes that looks like humbly ministering to the needs of God’s people. Sometimes it means giving a wake up call to God’s people. To be a strong leader one must be willing to lead. They must be willing to stand. And they must love their people enough to always lead them in the way of the Lord. Sometimes leadership requires correction…Paul indicates this was needed in Corinth. He didn’t want to be forceful, and use his apostolic authority to discipline those who were doing evil in the church, but he would use it if their rebellion, and the church’s lack of correction, required him to. Though correction is hard to take, when it is given biblically it is an expression of genuine love from the leader. The Bible says more than once that we believers are like sheep…and we have a tendency to wander. Jesus is our good shepherd who loves, takes care of us, guides us, and disciplines us…and He has His under shepherds who He has appointed to do the same.
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