Jesus is found in two different regions of Israel in John 2. First He is in the region of the Galilee in the town of Cana. Cana wasn’t far from Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. It was here we have Jesus doing His first miracle, where He turns water into wine at a marriage feast. This was the beginning of the signs He did in the Galilee that would reveal to the people that Jesus is God. Then we have Jesus in Jerusalem, where He cleanses the Temple the first time. He tells them that they had turned the Temple into a marketplace filled with thieves, when it was to be a house of prayer. Then we have Jesus prophesying of His death for the first time. They certainly did not understand when He said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days.” They thought He was talking about the structure of the Temple, when He was talking about His own body. Jesus did not reveal who He was at this time, but spoke in “mystery’s”, until the time was right.
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