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Writer's picturePastor Tony Pierce


APRIL 26 READINGS...1 Chronicles 20:1 & 2 Samuel 11:1-12:14 & Psalm 51 & 2 Samuel 12:15-25 & 2 Samuel 5:14-16 & 1 Chronicles 14:3-7 & 1 Chronicles 3:5-9

What happens when even a person of God is not where they are supposed to be? The answer is that they place themselves in a position for things to happen to them that are outside of what the Lord has for them. David was supposed to be with his men in was the time when, "kings went to war". Rather than being where he should have been David remained in his palace...he went out on the balcony and looked over, seeing a beautiful woman bathing. David was moved with lust and desire for this woman, so he had her brought to his chambers and even though he was told that she was married...he had sex with her. Then to try to cover up his sin once he found out she was pregnant...David tried to deceive her husband to sleep with her and assume the child was his...Uriah was an honorable man and would not sleep with his wife while others were still at war. So, David schemed and had Uriah killed in battle...he murdered Uriah, and then flippantly said..."The sword devours this one today and that one tomorrow". After having Uriah murdered David brought his wife Bathsheba into the palace and made her his wife. This horrible sin all started for David when he was not where he was supposed to be...we need to be careful not to put ourselves in a place of temptation, we are not strong enough to overcome it on our own.

No sin happens that the Lord does not know about, and that does not bring consequences. David's sin cost not only Uriah his life, but other Israeli soldiers were killed needlessly because of the king's lust. Bathsheba lost her husband, and then she lost her first child with David, all because of David's sin. When Nathan shared with David a story, David became enraged at the callous ingrate who would take another man's only lamb. (If we are not careful we too can become enraged at other people's sin, while neglecting our own.) When Nathan told David that he was the man who took another's lamb (Uriah's wife), David was cut to the quick, and broken and repentant before God. This is something that was different between David and Saul his predecessor...David was genuinely repentant before God, he did not do like Saul and blame others for his sin. God forgave David, but there was still a high cost. Not only would the child die, but David's kingdom would now be divided by the same sword that he so cavalierly spoke of that killed Uriah. There is no sin that does not bring consequences...and though it is true our sins are forgiven in eternity...they still cost us much here on earth. We must remember that no one sins with one!

Please share your insights from today's readings. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to keep you where you are supposed to be, and to strengthen you when temptation comes. Also ask Him to give you a heart where you see the seriousness of sin in your own life from the Lord's point of view.

TOMORROW'S READING...2 Samuel 12:26-31 & 1 Chronicles 20:2-3 & 2 Samuel 13:1-14:33

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