Why aren’t the Bible believing churches the greatest cheerleaders for the other Bible believing churches? When God is doing something wonderful in a church…all the other churches ought to be excited and their biggest cheerleaders. Jesus healed a man born blind. Jesus not only healed this man, but His act of healing moved the man from being a beggar to a productive member of society…the man’s neighbors were amazed. They brought the man to the religious leaders, as this healing took place on the Sabbath. The religious dead-heads were more concerned about the healing taking place on the Sabbath, than the man being healed. They tried to force the man to declare that Jesus did the miracle by the power of Satan. The man would not relent and declared that Jesus had to be from God to do such a thing. Jesus found the man and the man trusted in Jesus as Savior, while the religious rejected Jesus. Jesus declared that they were the ones that were really blind. When God is at work, we must be careful not to speak against Him…revealing our own blindness.
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