In our reading today Jesus reveals His Deity. He demonstrates His power over the physical bodies of humans that He created…as He heals the paralytic man. He demonstrates His authority of the law and order He establish, but properly doing the work of God…even on the Sabbath. He proclaims His equality with God, by calling God His Father. He speaks of how God works through Him, and that it is the power of God Himself that Jesus does the things He does. He declares that speaks of His authority to judge all humanity, to save those who believe, and to give life to those who put their trust in Him and recognize Him for who He eternally is. He speaks of the prophet of God, John the baptizer, who declares that Jesus is the Messiah. He speaks of how the very works He does reveal His Divine nature. The very word of God His Father bears witness to who Jesus is. Finally, Jesus tells the people to search the Scriptures, the infallible Word of God, for they bear witness to the fact that He is God who came in the flesh to be the Messiah for all who would believe.
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